Postpartum Orgasm

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Postpartum depression (PPD), also called postnatal depression, is a type of mood disorder associated with birth, which can affect both sexes. Symptoms may include extreme sadness, low energy, anxiety, crying episodes, irritability, and changes in sleeping or eating patterns.

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I decided to take on this topic today for several reasons. One reason is that I am currently working with many women who are in the postpartum period, and I’m sure there are many more out there that will read this post – both now and in the future.

I have never had a proper orgasm during sex despite having had three sexual partners in my life and being married for 12 years. I kept assuming it would eventually happen, magically, spontaneously. First one manfriend, and nothing, then the second manfriend, then nothing and then my manfriend who

Find out how your sex life will change after birth and how to lift a lagging libido.

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Back dimples apparently make it easier for you to have an orgasm. Interesting stuff

10 Surprising Reasons You’re Not Reaching Orgasm The answer to why you’re not getting off may shock you.

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The first 6 to 12 hours after birth is the initial or acute phase of the postpartum period. During this time the mother is typically monitored by nurses or midwives as complications can arise in this period.

Of all the unexpected boons of my own matrescence — caring less what people thought of me, writing shorter and more declarative emails, and feeling generally happier and better about myself — the improvement of my sex life was perhaps the most shocking. I don’t mean to sound smug. Many women

Amy, 33, mom-of-three living in Germany who posts on social media under the name @fitness.fireball has revealed her incredible postpartum body transformation.

Orgasm Shot® [O-Shot®] explained. How the procedure improves sex drive, orgasm, and painful intercourse (dyspareunia). Also, how it …